Repair works

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Repair works

Published by Bortnitskystudio in REPAIR WORKS · 2 December 2021
Many people dream of living in a house or apartment with interior design renovation. It is especially nice when the repairing is made according to your own preferences and desires, taking into account all the features and nuances.

BORTNITSKYSTUDIO 3d design studio will help you to get one step closer to your dream. After all, we provide services not only for 3d design, but also for construction and repairing work, which is e part of on interior design.
Design project and repairing work
Repair and construction works are very popular among customers who, after large-scale construction activities want to get a quality, stylish, modern interior that is 100% result.
3D project significantly simplifies the task of performing interior decoration. In the process of project acceptance, the customer can "walk", around and make significant adjustments to the decoration of the room, color combinations, interior designer furniture.
This important process allows you to approve the budget, determine the front of the repair work, eliminate the uncertainty of the timing of the repair work and be sure that you'll get exactly what you expected and will not be disappointed.
BORTNITSKYSTUDIO 3d design studio provides comprehensive services repairing and interior decoration. Our advantages are:
  • There is a positive experience of 3D projects, supported by construction and repair work of our team of builders.
  • Our guys aren't need ed explanation coral and powder are two different color.
  • Our team exclusively does all the work according to a pre-discussed plan and in accordance with the schedule will adopte during the discussion of the project with the customer.
  • The designer controls the quality and timing of repair work at each stage of construction.
  • We respect your personal space, so we do not clutter the interior and always remove construction garbage.
   In the process of carrying out repair work, even if not very large-amount of work, there will still be moments that require attention and solutions, so in the process of preparing a 3d design, we always clarify the details.
    Ordering a 3D design from the BORTNITSKYSTUDIO, you not only save the time but also money. The more difficult repairing, the larger project, the more technically complex tasks have to be solved during its implementation.
 Therefore, without seeing the final result, a clear task, even experienced craftsmen can make mistakes, which will later lead to the processing of previously performed work, which entails double work, delays and overspending of materials.
   Thanks to theright planning, the creation of a 3d project allows you to anticipate the technical difficulties that arise during the repair. And the timeliness and coherence of the actions of our builders will be able to avoid unnecessary alterations during the repair and construction activities of the interior design project.

This is design and architecture studio with a team of professionals who will take care of your project from the creation of ideas to the implementation of your space
We work from 9.00 - 19.00

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